
May 12, 2012

Workers Compensation – we have many options for you!

The Workers Compensation Markets are changing all the time.   We can help get the best rates in the market today.   Are you claims being looked at closely?  Have the Unit Stat filings been reported?  Is it too late to get the Experience Modification Down? Are you sure you are getting the best rates out there? […]
May 12, 2012

Building and Liability Coverage

Preferred American just saved one of their new customers $4,826 on their building and liability coverage and moved them into an Admitted Insurance program.
May 15, 2012

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

The industry is changing fast!  Premium/Deductibles/SIR’s are ALL going up.  We have access to programs that can help.   Please call us today!  (888)745-0002
May 17, 2012

Plumbing Contractors

Our rates for Plumbing Contractors are awesome!  With our Preferred Contractors Program we save our customers an average of 30% on their General Liability.  We just issued another one yesterday. 41% savings.  Call us today – (888)745-0002.    Preferred American Insurance can also help out with the Workers Compensation, Commercial Auto, Property, Inland Marine and Bonding […]
May 23, 2012

Contractor’s License Bond

Need a 5 year bond?  With rates as low as $69.00 per year, it really does make sense.  We have many bonding options even if your credit is not so good.  Most of our bonds can be uploaded directly to the Contractors State License Board.  Contact us today!  (888)745-0002
June 25, 2012

Tile Contractors

We have many Tile Contractors as customers at Preferred American Insurance.  We can help with the General Liability, Workers Compensation, Commercial Auto, Commercial Property/Inland Marnine, Contractors License Bonds, Performance/Payment Bonds.  Preferred A Rated (Admitted Programs).  Call us today for a quote: (888)745-0002.
June 26, 2012

Lessors Risk – Building Owner

Do you own a building and need it insured?  Does your current policy include Ordinance and Law Coverage?  Call us today to find out how much we can save you and get you the coverage that you need.  If you have an Apartment Building or a Commercial Complex, we can help.   Call us today (888)745-0002
August 22, 2012

Gas Station

Gas Stations are one of our specialty coverages.  Not only have we been working with them for many years, but we handle to tough to place ones as well.  Open 24 Hours, Prior Claims, Car Wash, Restaurant or Automotive Repair work is no problem for us.  We also write Pollution for underground tanks and bonds […]
September 27, 2012

Employee Dishonesty Bonds – Get Protected Today!

Employee Dishonesty is on the rise.  You can’t predict which employees will be dishonest.  The fact is that according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, three-fourths of all employees admitted stealing from employers at least once, and half of these steal again and again.  This problem is so widespread, the Chamber estimates the annual cost […]
November 14, 2012

Employment Practices Liability. It can be costly, NOT to have it.

Can you imagine any of the following situations?    A disabled customer is unable to access your property, files suit for humiliation and ADA violation.  Average defense cost is $45,000 and verdict is $30,000. An employee, who had a consensual relationship with another employee, asserts a claim for sexual harassment when the relationship sours.  Average defense […]

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